Frequently Asked Questions

We Update Our FAQs based on the Questions we receive as Feedback.

Please in case the Question you want to ask is not here, kindly send us your Question on

You can post a free ad without money, it’s totally FREE. To learn how, please read our help page on how to create a free post. However, having a KOMBACK account will allow you to post, edit, delete, and repost more easily.

Edits for postings are self-service.

If you posted while logged in to your account, you can edit from your account homepage.

Otherwise, use the link provided in the same self-posting email you used originally to self-post. If you can’t find this, try having it re-sent.
How soon does my posting expire?

View the full list of posting lifespans.

If you posted using an account, you can delete your posting from your account homepage.

Otherwise, use the same link provided in the self-posting email that you used to post the ad originally. If you can’t find this, try having it re-sent.

Please note, all postings are automatically deleted upon expiration.

You can only repost your Ad when it expires, kindly visit the expired Ad from your Account Listings and repost.

You can post as many ads as you want, as long as you are not violating our terms and privacy policy
Note: Duplicated Item might get Deleted. Never Post a Duplicated Item.


The Anonymous publishing feature isn’t available for Security Reason. We Prohibited it to avoid Spams and Unwanted Items on Komback Marketplace.

If you are using an online email account, please check your bulk/junk/spam mail folder(s).
You may have entered your email address incorrectly—it only takes one typo!
Some email providers and ISPs have implemented “spam filters” some of which are badly designed or misconfigured, resulting in KOMBACK emails being filtered out or intercepted.
Your email provider may be experiencing delays, or other technical issues.

In some categories, you will be offered the option to “Add Images” during the posting process. You will be prompted to upload images from your computer to KOMBACK.

You are also allowed to Post Video Ad from YouTube etc…


Please consult the PROHIBITED ITEMS PAGE.

For your reference, there is also a non-comprehensive list of prohibited items/content.

If you are the target of a prank or other harassment related to a KOMBACK post, please contact us immediately using the suggestions CONTACT Page.

Can I post my ad for more than one Country?

I saw a particular posting 6 months ago and would like to see it again. Can I?

Where can I advertise my services/business on KOMBACK?

Can I post ads on KOMBACK on behalf of others as a paid posting agent or posting service?

Can I put a link in my for sale posting pointing to an auction site like eBay?

Can I scalp my ticket or popular gift item on KOMBACK?


You can post as many ads as you want, as long as you are not violating our terms and privacy policy
Note: Duplicated Item might get Deleted. Never Post a Duplicated Item.


Please choose just ONE Country where you are based in. You should post Ad where you can meet the Buyer physically. Posting the same ad to multiple locations on KOMBACK is prohibited.

Generally not. We will however respond to a valid subpoena for that information

Only in the “services offered” categories please.

Unauthorized posting agents/services are prohibited. Violators agree to pay KB liquidated damages for each posting.

No. Please post a set price, do not solicit bidding, and do not link to auctions elsewhere.

Many users will flag posts scalping tickets or popular gift items for way over face value.

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